Sunday, May 9, 2010


 I have met this mother's day with a little bit of apprehension. Usually all I want is a break, but since I have spent the majority of the last two months laying on the couch I haven't had those same feelings. I hardly even feel like much of a mother these days. There have been no cooking, cleaning, running kids to and fro, and other such motherly duties. In spite of this it has been a great day. I made it to all 3 hours of church and got to paint my girls toe-nails and do their hair. Things that sound so simple have come to mean so much to me. My children have showered me with hugs, kisses, and more homemade cards than you can imagine. Maybe being a mom is more than cooking dinner and cleaning house. I pray that I can still be an effective mom without those things, that my  children will still know that I love them, and that I can teach them the things that truly matter in life.

As for the mother's in my life, thank you for all you have done through the years to help me become who I am today. I love you!

And I have to give kudos to David today. Since my mom has left he has been playing role of mother and father. I am so grateful to have such a capable, loving, and supportive husband. 

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