Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Care of Magical Creatures

We are now down to 4 tadpoles. The death of the last one was a little traumatic for William. The one that died was the biggest and had his back legs, but for some reason was stuck upside down, therefore couldn't eat. There is one more with his back legs and we are anxiously watching the rest for changes.  They have been surprisingly entertaining. Even David and I find ourselves drawn to them.

Last Friday we received our caterpillars in the mail. They are growing so fast and should start forming their chrysalides by the end of the week.

The day they arrived in the mail.
This morning, just 4 days later.

1 comment:

  1. We just did this a few weeks ago. They grow quickly. All five of ours made it this time, but I wish we kept them a little longer. We let them go right away.
