Sunday, January 4, 2009


Today was Robert's first day in primary as a sunbeam. I had to sit with him most the time to keep him under control and at one point I told him, "This is opening exercises and then you'll go with your new teacher to class."

He jumps up and starts touching his toes and says "These are my exercises"

It was a good laugh at first, but trying to convince him that we didn't actually exercise in opening exercises didn't go over very well. I can't wait to see what next week brings!


  1. Oh that is too funny! Samantha barely missed the Dec. 31st cut off for Sunbeams and I'm glad. She needs another year of nursery before expected to sit in a chair. (-:

  2. Too cute!
    Im sad cause Logan missed his first official day in Primary due to sickness. Next week!
